I only have three months left of this pregnancy and I am not near ready. Mentally and emotionally, yes; but my two year old consumes me and I haven't even had a chance to think. We have at least bought the bunk beds for Bexley to move into, but they have been in the box in the garage for two weeks. No bedding has been purchased and the room where he is moving is full of "stuff". I really need to get on the ball.
Along with having baby #2 also comes daycare x2=scary. My wonderful husband has been so great about giving me the option of staying home. I think deep down he really wants me to, but then again he doesn't want us to have to change our lifestyle. We have been so blessed at such a young age. The decision has not yet been made and the emotional decision is the toughest. I love what I do and I love my kids. Many of them I just cannot leave behind. It will be a tough decision and one that will require a lot of prayer.
Baby boy #2 is doing great. He is a squirmer (if that's a word) for sure. He is constantly moving and I can only imagine the next months are going to get worse. I have done great on my weight gain---until now. I go to the doctor tomorrow and am terrified. According to several scales I have stepped on, which was my first mistake, I have seriously gained too much weight this month. Not to mention it is below freezing so the sweater and boots I'll have to wear tomorrow will only add additional pounds. Oh well, at least the baby is healthy and so am I!!!
I'll pray for you and the decision you make. I'll be honest with you...staying home is hard. It's a tough job. But honestly, who can raise your kids better than you? I'm praying for you.
if i could do it over, i would definitely stay home!!! we did not plan ahead, so financially it was impossible...but i regret not being able to be a stay-at-home mom!! i will be praying for your decision!! put it in His hands and you will know what to do!!!
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