We have had a most productive and fun filled weekend. Brye actually said, "I wish every weekend could be like this!" It started off Friday evening. Our good friends Dan, Susie, Alan and Suzy (it gets complicated) had a Beatles Rockband Party. We were each to bring an English dish to share. Brye and I made Bangers and Mash with Sweet Onion Gravy and I made Cranberry Scones as well. It was so good, thanks to our good friend Jamie Oliver or The Naked Chef as some of you may know him. I bought a couple of his cookbooks when we were living in the UK but had never actually used them. The Bangers and Mash were delicious. Oh and for those of you who don't know, Bangers are Cumberland Sausages; Mash is of course mashed potatoes. The Scones recipe I got from my dear friend Sharon. She is a Scottish native and one of the best cooks I know. I also know she'll read this soon so I'm publicly thanking you Sharon for the recipe, it was delicious; and easy. Dan and his Susie made a Steak and Guinness Stew that was equally as yummy. Alan and his Suzy brought appetizers, Double Glouster (i know i spelled that wrong) Cheeses and such. We had a delicious dinner. Then the fun began. . . . The Beatles Rockband!!! All Beatles songs performed as well as you can. I of course, was on the microphone almost the entire night. I felt like a mic hog, but it was too much fun. Dan was best on the drums and Brye on the guitar. However, I have to sadly admit my husband, as much as I love him, does not have much musical talent. He tried singing; I don't think we'll ever have us a karoake date. Alan did some guitaring and Suzy some singing as well. It was great fun and we have decided we are having a "theme" party once a month. We'll see if it actually works out.
Saturday began bright and early at 8:00 am, thank you Bexley. I did laundry most of the day and Brye powerwashed the driveway, sidewalks and fence! CASA of Collin County had a Rummage Sale that I went to for a little while Saturday morning. Beau got some clothes and Bex got a remote control helicopter that he and his daddy are thoroughly enjoying. I'm not sure what the grand total of money collected was but around 4:00 pm CASA had made around $1500!! Great Job everyone. Saturday night Holly and Zac hosted dinner for us. They made a wonderful lasagna with garlic bread and salad. Zac had made a homemade Vinegrette dressing that was AWESOME. Then for dessert, coffee with homemade whipped cream, again made by Zac. It was the best whipped cream I'd ever eaten. I think we had more whipped cream than coffee! The guys ventured off into the living room to watch the football game (Tech vs. UH). So us girls just talked and laughed til we cried. Angie's mom graciously watched Bexley and Maddie for us and it was so nice and quiet!! Of course, I forgot my camera to both occasions.
Sunday continued with church and a wonderful two hour nap for ALL FOUR of us. Brye finished powerwashing, I finished laundry and we had a great day.
Now on to a completely different note. Brye and I have been asked along with five other couples to be New Member Ambassadors at the country club. It's a new program they've started where current members like ourselves are assigned to new members to mentor them, introduce them to the club and others and get them involved. It's kind of a big deal and an honor to be asked to do this. We were surprised but thrilled to do it. We haven't yet been assigned a new member but hope to soon.
I've also joined a bookclub with some of my former colleages including two judges, several attorneys and friends. We have been given our first book and our first meeting is October 28th. I'm really excited to be a part of it and hope I don't look silly amongst all the brilliant people who are in the group!
Bexley is doing really good in "preschool". His teachers told me on Monday he was so smart and asked if I worked with him at home!! HA, that's the exact reason I sent him to preschool. Because I DON"T work with him at home and was afraid he'd be behind. They said that when they read and ask questions most of the kids give them blank stares, but Bexley always speaks up. I'm so proud of him.