Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Special Thank You

I just want to take a few minutes to share some thank you's to some special people in my life and my family's lives. This past weekend we (my dad and sisters) were invited back to Childress to the Pregnancy Outreach Center's annual fundraiser. We were told that the fundraiser was going to "mention" my mother's contributions and work to help found and run the Center. What we were not told was the outpouring of heartfelt gratitude we all received from everyone. I know my mom was special to me and I've heard people tell me that my mom was special to them. What surprised me were some of the people I didn't realize my mom had touched and how they expressed that. At one point in the night the entire room gave my family and my mom a standing ovation. I learned after the evening ended that the person who actually led the standing was someone I didn't even know cared. There were many others there that I had never met that made sure we all knew how important my mother was. I just want to say a special thank you to Angie Husband for inviting us to this event as well as Susan Davidson, Pam Horton, Jay Parmer and all the others on the board of the Pregnancy Outreach Center who cared so much for my mom to honor her at an event like this. I do hope you were able to raise the money you were going for. It was a very nice night and we all had a really good time. Thank you so much, and God Bless.


Ashley said...

How wonderful!

Jennifer Read said...

Thanks Doo for saying thanks to everyone for us! I love you.